
Our Primary Education program centres on High Impact Teaching Strategies, with concepts and skills for learning all being taught explicitly to ensure students’ understanding and success. Classroom teachers deliver core subjects, including English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), and Art. Our primary curriculum is further enriched by specialised programs to enhance literacy and numeracy skills, including:


  • Sounds Write: A high-quality phonics program to effectively teach reading & writing.
  • Talk 4 Writing: An explicit writing program that enhances students’ storytelling, vocabulary, and writing skills by guiding them through the processes of imitation, innovation, and independent writing.
  • ORIGO Stepping Stones: An evidence-based program that brings the conceptual understanding of mathematics to the forefront of teaching and learning.

Specialist teachers provide instruction in The Arts, Technologies, Science, Health, and Physical Education, all aligned with the Australian Curriculum. This balanced approach ensures students receive a well-rounded and engaging education.


We implement multi-age groups which fosters cooperative learning and the development of social skills. This structure enable students to function with the added responsibility of mixing with younger and older students.


The programs, activates, and experiences primary students engage in continue to develop their academic, social and emotional capabilities, whilst also drawing on the expertise of secondary teachers to assist with student’s transition to secondary education.



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