
Our canteen is operated by the Cunderdin District High School P & C Association and opening hours are determined and announced at the start of each term. We serve a selection of healthy, nutritious, and tasty menu items such as toasties, wraps, pies, sausage rolls, and more. We also offer an assortment of sweet treats such as fruit, ice creams, muffins, and flavoured drinks.

Parents and guardians can order online through the Spriggy Schools app (lunch only). Orders must be placed by 8:40am on the morning of canteen. Parents and guardians are advised to check our Facebook page every week for updates to our canteen availability and menu (Neetnac News).

Volunteers are always welcome to help in the canteen. Any spare time that parents, guardians, or other family members can offer between 8:30am-1pm on canteen days is greatly appreciated.


No canteen forms are available

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